

Hair Fall Solutions - Using Natural Hair Fibers

In the busy daily routine people hardly find any time to take care of themselves or their strands. Besides lack of hair care many ill habits like washing their scalp with hot water, dry blowing the hair, smoking and alcohol can aggravate the problem of baldness. Hair are also greatly damaged due to the physical strain put on them by tying or pulling etc. Excessive styling can also cause damage to the hair.

Hair grows in the tiny follicles on our scalp. These follicles produce a protein called Keratin which our hair is made up of. These follicles have a fixed life span and when some of them approach the end of their life, some new ones replace them simultaneously and the process goes on without anyone noticing it. The average rate of growth of strands in humans is 6-8 inches per year. There are many reasons which can damage or weaken these follicles and cause bald problem. Allergy or dandruff can cause baldness. Illness like thyroid or chemotherapy can also cause the problem of baldness as a side effect. Many women acquire loss of their strands during pregnancy or at elder age due to hormonal changes in the body. For some people the problem of baldness can also be hereditary, which means that if your parents had hair fall problem there are chances that you may also get it.

The thing which is more disturbing about hair fall problem is that once it begins it is very difficult to stop until it has caused some damage and created bald patches on head. There are many products in the market which proclaim to cure the hair fall problem but there effectiveness remains doubtful. Many people opt for expensive parlour treatments and some even choose to go for surgical implantation. There are many people who don't want to apply any artificial product due to certain apprehensions or can't afford the expensive treatments, for them we have completely natural and effective remedies which if used properly can be beneficial in curing their bald problem.

Meditation and Exercise: Unhealthy life style and excessive stress can take its toll on the body including the hair. Meditation and exercise are a great way to keep away stress and maintain a nice fitness level.

Healthy Diet: What we eat reflects in our health. For a healthy body and strong hair, the diet should also be healthy. Junk food should be avoided as much as possible and a healthy diet full of protein and iron should be taken. Cereals, grains, kidney beans, soya are some foods which have abundant protein and which can prove beneficial for hair if included in diet.

Natural Ingredients: Green tea is very popular for its medicinal properties which also include curing hair problems.

Also get home Rapid Hair Fiber the revolutionary product that can solve your baldness troubles in an instant by covering such areas with natural fibers.

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