

Talk about an expert on transplant of hair (Ashmit Goel)

Dr. Rohit Nayyar spills the beans about myths and truths about hair transplant.

Many are skeptical about hair transplant. What bothers are the procedures used in hair transplant surgery. Dr. Rohit, a well known hair transplant surgeon explains the process of translation of hair, "there are various unfortunate factors resulting in hair loss. "For example, the cases of hereditary hair loss are more in comparison with resulted them from other factors of hair loss". "Diseases of the scalp and lifestyles also contribute". Serving the health care industry for 20 years, Dr.Nayyar understands the nuances of hair transplantation of profession.

Myths about hair transplant have existed since the introduction of the technology. They have discussed several myths and facts below:

Myth: People with severe scalp problems should only opt for hair transplant.

Fact: The most common type of baldness, male and female common pattern hair loss bald, which is due to hormones, can be treated through transplantation of hair. Severe scalp problems alone are not the cause of hair loss. Lifestyle diseases can also cause hair loss.

Myth: A donor should be required to donate the hair but that could be rejected.

Fact: "you don't need a donor. In most cases, the recipient is the donor, "explains Mr. Rohit. Extreme and serious burn cases may require a separate donor. For example, treatment for the bald man uses the hair on the side and the back of the head. Being less volatile to testosterone, they have a firm grip. The process involves removing a strip of scalp and transplanted hair follicles to bald areas. Rarely do you find any difficulty after hair transplantation.

Myth: The rich only can afford hair transplants

Fact: Dr. Nayyar, Hair Transplant Clinic is known for the transplant of hair in Delhi. "We have patients who before believed that hair transplantation was a very expensive procedure. We are pleased, that we could change their perception,"says Dr. Nayyar smiling.

Some additional facts about hair transplant are as follows:

* In a life cycle usually a normal person has 50000-1 lakh follicular units.
* 50% of these units may be lost without a clear change.
* Due to the androgenic Alopecia, 75% of the follicles is expected to miss.
* This obviously conveys that it will spill 37500 50000 and we are left with only 12500.
* Out of these 6250 12500 are only obtainable for transplantation.
* Thereby 6250 units will cover a region where fewer 37500 covered previous hair density.

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Hair transplant provides the best hair transplant service. Our surgeons qualified & trained transplant are experts in their respective fields and have always delivered world class above the expectations of the customer services.

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