

Giving Spironolactone a Second Chance

I know that some people who have read my previous review on spironolactone may feel that I didn’t treat it fairly. The truth of the matter is that spironolactone does actually work on most people who use it.

So, you now may want to ask if you should use it. My answer is that it depends on a number of factors. These are the things you need to consider in my opinion:

1. Do you want to regrow hair? If you do, then Spiro is not for you. Spironolactone really just helps you to stop losing your hair, but it doesn’t regrow hair. Therefore, it’s really not a miracle drug anyway.

2. Do you or anyone that has to be near you during the day have a sensitive nose?  If they do, then this is not for you. You really need to consider whether or not you want to be associated with such a horrible fragrance as Spiro gives off. If you don’t care about smell, then you may want to consider it.

3. Do you care about how clean your hair looks most of the time? It’s not that it looks dirty, but it is greasy. You may be able to cover up the look of it with gel, but chances are, people will still notice.

So, if any one of those issues seems like a deal breaker, then you should not go with spironolactone. There are plenty of other drugs out there that work just as well or better and won’t make you look like a mountain man or smell like road kill. In fact, most other drugs really target hair regrowth, which is a lot better than just slowing down your current hair loss.

For information on the top hair loss products I recommend that don’t stink, go to my hair loss product reviews.

Tagged as: DHT blockers, spiro, spironolactone, spironolactone dht, spironolactone hair loss

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